Whew! What a relief last week is over. I broke out in hives in anticipation of my weekend speaking engagement with Farm Bureau in Tantara, MO. It ended up being a lovely mini-vacation. I gave 4 mini (45 minute) classes in the morning that went from 9:15-1:45. Normally I would eat a snack and lunch during that time, but there wasn’t a break for that. To be honest, I was so nervous and full of adrenaline that I didn’t even notice feeling hungry.
The classes went really well, and the people there were so gracious and friendly that they made me feel like a speaking genius, lol.
By the time I sat down with my lunch it was nearly 2:00. Two bites in, my entire body shut down. I had to go back to my room and sleep–for hours. The hotel had an indoor water park, awesome workout room and spa. So I’m told :). I slept through all the recreation time and it felt good.
My little friend Anna and I entertaining ourselves with my phone during the speeches 🙂
The food choices there were super yummy, but not especially fit mama friendly. I made the best choices I could while still tasting a bite of the really bad foods that looked amazing. Darren and I split dessert on the last night.
I didn’t workout while I was there, the stress of the whole ordeal just sucked the energy from me. It took me several days of panic to work up that kind of anxiety. Maybe if I did it more often, it wouldn’t freak me out so much?
Anyway, today I tried my best to get back on track with food. Just by adding a few things like homemade granola and pecans to my day got me to my full calorie allowance by 2pm! Not Good. I ended up over calorie by a bunch even though everything I ate was super healthy. It’s 10pm now and I’ve been starving since 7. I think that’s a good sign that I have a chance at burning fat even with my full calorie day.
I have some pictures of my weekend and today’s food. I’ll try to upload them in a bit. For now, here’s my fitness pal summary.
Peanut butter chocolate yogurt with apples and granola.