NYTC Day 10 Food Journal

Breakfast: 2 eggs and a grapefruit


Snack: 1 cup plain yogurt, 1 Tbs stevia, 2 Tbs peanut flour, 2 Tbs cool whip (finished off the tub from the holidays) and 1 chopped apple

Tip: when stirring peanut flour into yogurt use regular, not Greek. Greek is too dry for this use and the peanut flour adds protein so Greek is not necessary.


Lunch was chicken fajita salad: Sauteed onion and peppers with chicken breast seasoned with a splash of lime juice, cumin, and chili pepper. Dished over lettuce with cilantro, chopped avocado aand Jack’s fresh salsa. Delicious!

Afternoon Snack: 1 detour bar and some home dried strawberries. I had a huge costco bag of strawberries that I had never opened. When I did to make a smoothie it was FULL of ice. So I thawed them out and dried them overnight in a small dehydrator. They are a nice treat and change of pace.

This evening I took Heidi and Heather out to Zona Rosa, a very fancy shopping district in the North part of Kansas City. There’s a ballet shop nearby where we bought Heidi a new pair of pointe shoes. Then we stopped by a shop called Village Vintage, which is a sort of flea market and also carries Annie Sloan Chalk paint. I’ve been drooling over chalk paint for awhile but didn’t feel like driving that far to spend that much money. I bought gray and both kinds of waxes. I hope to paint the new table top that is coming for my Pottery Barn knock off project table. The top will be gray and the bookcase legs white. I have twin china hutches in my dining room that would love to be gray too. Lots of furniture really could use a touch up around here :). I also got a huge gawdy mirror that I adore. It was only $35!




NYTC Day 8 Food Journal


I was extra hungry today and went over a little on my calories. I figure it will balance out with last week’s 200 under almost every day.  The weekend went well with food choices and I did my Saturday workout at 10:30 pm.  I would have been tempted to skip but I really wanted to see what was under the post it note on my workout calendar :).  I did my intervals while we watched James Bond classic Goldfinger with Darren.  Those movies are soo cheesy.  Heidi said she snuck down the stairs to see what the loud thumping was all about and saw me doing burpess while watching the old movie.  She said, “You guys are so weird.”   Bwa ha ha.  Guess who’s turning 13 a week from today.


Breakfast: oatmeal with half a chopped apple and 2TBS Protein plus peanut flour stirred in. Sweetened with stevia. And topped with 1/4 cup almond milk.

Snack: 6oz Greek yogurt, 2 Tbs freeze dried strawberry powder and 1sliced banana, 1 cup air popped popcorn.


Lunch: 2 cups torn lettuce; 2 oz chicken breast, 1fresh clementine, .5 chopped toasted almonds, 2 Tbs ginger sesame salad dressing, 1/4 gluten free brownie

Snack: 10 small dried strawberries, 1string cheese


Dinner:  Italian Turkey Sausage; Green beans, red bell pepper and red onion.  I left off the marinara so I could really taste everything.  It was delicious!  Even though I scorched it a little.


Snack:  Detour Bar; and a tiny pumpkin cookie and cucumber tea cake that Heidi made for her Girl’s class.  I wanted to taste her handiwork, especially since we sent the treats with Dad ahead of her and he left them in the car and forgot about them.  So all her hard work and no one tasted them at class.  She has pointe class for ballet that overlaps with her girls class and is always late.  We keep hoping her point schedule will change, but so far no luck.

I did my workout at 2:00 today just in time to shower and get the kids from school.  I was super excited to be noticeably stronger today and not have to modify as much on my workout. Here’s the My Fitness Pal report.


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NYTC Day 5

I know I said not until Monday but we are all better now and I’m back on track. Yesterday the whole family had a stomach virus. I had a fever and took tons of ginger so skipped all the stomach part of it. I just slept all day and helped with the littles.  No workout. I only ate good healthy food, but it wasn’t FYM supportive since I didn’t make sure I had protein. Protein is hard to digest with the flu.

Since I missed my workout yesterday there was this extra post-it on my calendar just hanging out looking lonely.


Today it was 65 degrees! So I did today’s workout right before picking up kids from school. Took my recovery shake and went to the store. Then did 20 minutes of running/walking intervals outside. So that lonely post it is down with his friends 🙂


Breakfast was 2 soft eggs and a whole Gala apple.
Snack was a Detour protein bar.


Lunch was a supportive taco salad:
2 cups fancy lettuce; 2 oz black eyed peas; 2 oz ground turkey; .5 oz shredded cheese; 1/4 cup Jack’s salsa; and fresh cilantro. I would have had more beans and meat but it was the end of the leftovers.


Lunch was all fluff and I got hungry pretty fast. So I had 6 oz of Greek yogurt with stevia and powdered dregs from the freeze dried strawberry bag. Yum!

After workout snack was a shake: 1 cup almond milk; 1 scoop prograde workout; 2 Tbs cocoa powder; and 1 cup frozen strawberries. This did not sit well with me and reminded me that I had recently been ill. But the feeling passed in an hour or so and I got to keep it 🙂

Dinner was a pizza stir fry. The rest of the family had cheese or pepperoni pizza from Aldi.


I’m so tired of my body that I was hardly tempted. Mine looked much better.



I’m off to family worship with lots of tempting snacks. I’ll give the stir fry recipe when I get back 🙂

Pizza Stir Fry:
1 Jennnie O turkey Italian sausage link, casing removed
1 cup organic petite whole frozen green beans
1 cup mixed fresh red onion, red pepper, and mushrooms
1/2 cup spaghetti sauce
Saute the sausage and veggies together until done. Stir in sauce until heated through. Enjoy!


Family Worship was fun! 5 families get together every month to have a fun child centered Bible lesson and craft and snacks. Our group has been going for 15 years so the kids have grown up together.


This week’s lesson was from Proverbs about the ant and working hard.


They watched a you tube video about real ants working. And read from the Bible.


They did a puzzle of the scripture and every child had a piece. Just like each of us has an important job to do or the world misses out if we don’t do it.


And they each made an ant from painted egg cartons, pipe cleaners and google eyes to take home and remember.


These were my snacks: Chicken enchilada dip and chips with Jack’s salsa, almond flour zucchini bread, cheese and a cracker, deer jerky, and some puppy chow. I’m a big fan of the chow and got a little more. This was my calorie rich PI for the week. It will help keep my metabolism going since my calories have been otherwise low all week.

Here’s my nutrition data not including snacks tonight. I don’t know how to begin calculating that!



NYTC Day 3

My post titles aren’t very imaginative, eh? Have any ideas for me?

It’s 6:45 and all is well 🙂 Kids are up, uniforms on, my pants fit 🙂 All good stuff.

Here’s breakfast:


Blueberry oat custard. 1 cup almond milk, 1 egg, 1/2 cup oats, 1 Tbs stevia (cook together while whisking) then stir in 1/2 scoop vanilla whey powder and 1 cup frozen wild blueberries.

Workout completed at 9:30, hooray. I did January workout of the month A. It was even more challenging today than the last time I did it. (I had friends with me last time and working out with them makes me push myself without thinking about it. We talk and laugh the whole time and “poof!” The workout is done. Then the next day I wonder why I’m so sore, lol.

After workout snack:

6 oz Greek Yogurt and 3 oz blackberries. Now off to answer the 80 emails that have poured in since midnight, write the menus for Grocery Shrink Plus, and fix some technical issues on some new sites. Hopefully I’ll fit in some housework too….the floors are scaring me.

Lunch: 2 oz canned chicken over gourmet lettuce (from Aldi), .5 oz almonds; 2 oz apple; 1 small chopped orange; 2 Tbs craisins and 3Tbs rapberry viniagrette.


My emails are answered, dishes half washed and floors are still scary. But I did some Kindergarten stuff with Brandon which was fun. Baby is still asleep from the night. Keep checking to make sure he is breathing. It’s after noon already!

While making lunch, I cut up a ton of lettuce to use later this week. Saves time. And I do just use a steel knife on it. I’ll eat it before it goes bad.


And my dressing had so much oil in it that it was gross. So I sucked out 75% of it with my baster and replaced the volume with water.


After lunch my appetite was still asking for attention. So I’m going to try one of these:


This will count as a PI since it has splenda, eww. A PI is a planned indulgence (I get 3 a week) and includes any food not FYM approved.


Here’s the size, smaller than I expected from the size of the box. The taste is decent with a slight aftertaste of fake at the end. Not sure I will rebuy.

The afternoon got away from me with blogging and a little housework. We got the Christmas trees down finally! My afternoon snack was a detour protein bar, 1/2 an ounce of beef jerky (2 hours later) and 1/2 cup of freeze dried strawberries.

Grant got up at 1pm from the night and I fed him some eggs. He did not keep them down and has been moaning all afternoon. I just want to hold him. But the rest of the family appears to be helpless when it comes to dinner. They should subscribe to Grocery Shrink Plus, lol.

I found myself scrounging in the kitchen for something to eat and was gravitating towards the leftover caramel popcorn from Christmas.  Knowing I would have to write that down stopped me in my tracks and I chose the jerky and strawberries instead.  My sugar cravings instantly disappeared.  I learned something about myself.  When I’m craving sweets my body is really just hungry for real, healthy food to help stabilize my blood sugar.

And now I’m in a quandry.  I’m tired; I’m hungry.  I’m making spaghetti for my family and am not sure what to have for myself.  My usual self would just fill up a plate of spaghetti.  It’s all super healthy for those who aren’t trying to burn fat, but that many carbs at night won’t support my fat loss goals. If I had thought ahead I would have spaghetti squash already cooked up in the fridge ready to microwave.  We’ll see what I do in a bit, I guess.


Dinner: 1 cup Dr Tagues protein chicken noodle soup. Broccoli and salad with fat free Italian dressing.

The soup is from my Dr. And comes dry in packets like this:

It’s expensive and tastes like Lipton cup of soup so I save it for emergencies.

Here’s today in a nutshell:

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I may have some mint tea for a snack tonight.  I’m feeling like I may be a victim of the flu soon.  Two more of my boys mentioned not feeling right in their bellies….Oh, boy.

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