I have some big goals to achieve this challenge. Here’s how I’m going to do it.
For the first 3 weeks, I will use clubFYM’s January workout of the month. It is 5 exercises each performed for 50 seconds with 10 seconds of rest before going on to the next one. After the 5 are completed there is 1 minute of rest before starting the cycle again. I plan to do 3 cycles for the first 2 weeks and 4 for the last week. I will do this 3 – 4 times a week.
On the between days, I will do intervals with 60 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest for 15 minutes. I will alternate between running stairs and burpees on A days and Mountain Climbers and jumping jacks on B days.
February 1st I will change my work outs to prevent plateau :).
There are several challenges I face: I love food–especially sweet treats and I have 7 other family members that do not need to lose fat and have high metabolisms. They need more healthy carbs than I do. The challenge will be to feed them well and not tempt myself too badly feed myself well even though our needs are different.
To help with my cravings I’m deciding ahead when I will have my planned indulgences (foods that wouldn’t normally be on my fitness plan.) I’ll start with 3 a week and then evaluate how it’s going. I’ll also have some calorie neutral foods available like baby carrots, celery sticks, apple slices, peppermint tea and warm broth available.
My workout challenge is muscle soreness. The more children I’ve had the more sensitive I’ve become to pain. I’ve stocked up on epsom salts for muscle soothing baths. When I get really sore, I just want to quit. I’m preparing myself psychologically to press on.

I’m a fellow FYM – great idea to start a blog : )
Did you notice there are no 1 minute breaks in the January workout?! I was also expecting one and after the first 5 exercises : ) I got through the rounds without dying though! HAHA!
Also – wanted to share a website I recently ran across (I’m a huge sweet treat fan) with some supportive indulgences: http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/
I think based on the number of comments in the blog, its a popular one, so you may have heard about it – but if not, check her out!
Good luck during the challenge!
Dana, I didn’t notice the absence of the 1 minute breaks. Oh dear! That will definitely kick it up a notch. I may have to work up to that. I love chocolatecoveredkatie too. But I don’t fix the recipes very much–they look dangerous for me, lol. Happy NYTC to you!
Funny that you mention this…when Pamela went to film she was like…there is a break between rounds – right?
She did not like my answer 🙂
Makes for a fun challenge though!!!
I just did this this morning with two friends and we both remarked that Pamela looked pretty tired at the end. It made us feel a LOT better. It was a great workout though. I made it all the way through with just a few modifications that I can hopefully get rid of by the end of the month.
I am also an FYMer and must say if you are doing burpees for a minute you can so do the 50-10 circuit 🙂 I did A the other day – it was tough but good – I made it through all the cycle and so can you!!! Keep it going strong 🙂
Karen, Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll go for it. Saturday is my first day scheduled for the 50-10 and I can’t wait to see what I can do.